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Remember the company "ten thousand steps walking, Yang Tai about" walking competition activities

2021-12-31 14:00:00

The calendar turned over to December 31, 2021, and I suddenly felt that the time of the year was so unknowingly busy every day in the company, silently passing by each of us. But when we look forward to tomorrow, that is, the first light of New Year's Day 2022, the arrival of the New Year, the expectation and hope for the future make us very excited and blood welling up. This is an important moment to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, we must welcome it well, with our glory of the past year, with a great vision for the future, we must welcome it with a grand ceremony! This ceremony is the company to be described in this article, "ten thousand steps walking, sheep table about" walking competition activities.

The starting point of the walking race is located in the Yangtaishan Forest Park Shiyan mountaineering square, the destination is Fengmen Ao, the whole course of about 4 kilometers, most of which are wide greenways, in order to increase the difficulty of the race, the last section of about 500 meters of climbing stone steps were chosen. In consideration of the competitiveness and interest of the activity, the competition is set up 4 awards, according to the men's group and the women's group set the first, second, third and top 10. In addition, all participants can win participation prizes as long as they complete the course.

Although it is winter, but the scenery of Yangtai Mountain is still full of flowers, green leaves, can not see a little winter shadow, but feel the breeze, spring garden, it is refreshing.

After gathering in front of the towering stone archway of Mountaineering Square to take photos, all the participants walked to the starting point of the competition, everyone was in high spirits and had the momentum of winning places. As soon as the game was announced, the athletes ran away like arrows from the string, who gave up me, was responsible, and the footsteps were light as Yan, not walking, but directly running up the mountain, and struggling to challenge themselves. Usually good relationship brothers and sisters to the arena also only competitive relationship. Just a few minutes after the start of the game, we have already seen the disparity in strength, and the players who usually insist on exercising have now taken the lead, compared with the large forces behind, and have been far ahead. Other players of comparable strength laughed and laughed on the way, you chased me, encouraged each other, refueling each other, laughed and laughed, the atmosphere was relaxed and active.

Finally, our athletes won the male and female champions with 34 minutes 33 seconds and 35 minutes 59 seconds respectively. Who says that women are not as good as men? Our women's champion Song Dan and men's champion are only less than 2 minutes apart, ranking second among all the competitors. I don't think he's small, but he's explosive. In particular, it is worth mentioning that Wen Zhaifeng, the champion of our "little Prince of football" men's group, not only won the champion of this activity for many times, but also the backbone of our research and development technology. What project problems can not be overcome with such a civil and military team.

Although the entire 4km race course is not very far, it is still challenging for colleagues who are usually busy with work and have little exercise. Although it is difficult, no one gives up and relaxes halfway. After 1 hour and 3 minutes, the last participant walks to the finish line with vigorous steps. All members successfully completed the customs clearance task. Everyone took photos at the destination, breathed the fresh air, felt the natural sunshine, and everyone's face was filled with joy and happiness, enjoying the physical and mental pleasure brought by healthy sports.

The walking competition is over, but our love of sports and pursuit of health will not stop. The competition will bring us together, let us follow the footsteps of the company, along the spirit of the movement, together to write youth!



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